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Comité France-Chine Welcomes Beijing
Delegation for Strategic Engagement

On June 15th, Ms. Sybille Dubois-Fontaine, Director General of Comité France-Chine (CFC), extended a warm welcome to the Beijing delegation. This meeting was a significant opportunity to discuss bilateral business opportunities and deepen economic relations.
The Beijing Investment Promotion Service Center presented the strategic positioning of Beijing, emphasizing its unique advantages, key industries, and the world-class business environment that supports both local and international enterprises.

CFC shared insights into their brand's history and strategic priorities, focusing on their operations both globally and in China. The discussion also covered CFC's role in facilitating Sino-European trade through detailed case studies, showcasing successful collaborations and partnerships.

Founded in 1979, Comité France-Chine is a distinguished commercial association dedicated to fostering economic, commercial, and cultural exchanges between France and China. Its members include leading enterprises across various industries, governmental bodies, and chambers of commerce in France. CFC continues to support companies in navigating and succeeding in the Chinese and French markets by providing expert business consulting, market expansion strategies, training, and policy advice.

This meeting marks a continuation of our efforts to enhance collaboration and promote mutual growth between France and China. We look forward to future initiatives and deeper cooperation.

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